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(Awarded by President of India)

Professor ,Deptt.Of Jainphilosophy,Faculty of Philosophy
Sri Lalbahadur Shastri National Sanskrit
Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016

  • M.A., Phd (Jainology& Comparative Religion & Philosophy)
  • Acharya( Prakrit Language, Buddha Philosophy, JainPhilosophy)
  • JRF From UGC 
Teaching Experience: 20 years UG/PG classes and Research Guidance for many students
            Publications  :
  • 16 Books, 70 Research Articles In National And International Journals.
  • More Then 250 Articles Published InMany National News Papers Like (DainikJagran, Hindustan,
Nbt, Ras.Sahara, Amarujala; Raj.Patrika, DainikTribune, Etc.)
  • Many Poetry, Stories Published In Various Magazines,News Papers.
  • Script Writing For Documentary Films.
  • Editor – PAGAD BHASA  (The first News Paper in Prakrit Language )
Residence &Contacts :

‘JIN FOUNDATION’, A 93 / 7A,Near Jain Mandir, Behind Nanda Hospital, Chattarpur Extention,NewDelhi-110030;MOB:9711397716

Activities (Social & Academic):
·        Presented Research Papers In 50 National & International Seminarson Jainism.
·        Faculty member Of International School for Jain Studies ,New delhi
·        Delivered Many Lectures About Spiritual Life Style In Various Institutions.
·        Delivered Lectures On DD1, Other T.V.Channels And A.I.Radio, N.Delhi
·        Workshops For Meditation & Stress Management
·        Delivered  PravachanAnd Lectures On ParyushanParva In Different Cities From 20 Years.
·    Presented Special Lectures In International Interfaith Conferences For Peace In Taiwan ,Japan and Kenya

Dr. Anekant Kumar Jain  is a rare combination of tradition and modernity .His life is dedicated to give more & more in field of Jainology&Prakrit Literature . He has been Gold Medalist in M.A. in Jainology and Comparative Religion and Philosophy and in Buddha DarshanAacharya.His nine books has been published in which any body can find the standard of research, manuscript editing ,explanation of subject and the different original thoughts . His famous book written on the Jain philosophy named ‘JAIN DHARM EK JHALAK’(जैनधर्म :एक झलक )has been sold out more then 25,000 copies with six editions. His book ‘AhinsaDarshan :ekAnuchintan’(अहिंसादर्शन : एक अनुचिंतन )is recently observed by the President of India. More then 60 research articles and more then 100 general articles has been published in reputed Research journals /National news papers like DainikJagran ,NBT,Hindustaan Amar Ujalaetc and magazines. He has presented his research papers in more then 60 International and national seminars in
India and abroad. He is honoured By ‘KundkundGyanpeeth Award’(कुन्दकुन्दज्ञानपीठपुरस्कार),‘Arhatvachan Award’(अर्हत्वचनपुरस्कार-१९९९),conducted by KndkundGyanpeeth,Indore,‘JainVidyaBhaskar-2008’(जैनविद्याभास्कर-२००८)by Jain socity,Firojabad and ‘YuvaVachaspati’(युवावाचस्पति-२०१२)by Jain socity Kolkata, for his research and scholarship.His research book “DarshnikSamanvayki Jain Drishti : NAYVAD (दार्शनिकसमन्वयकीजैनदृष्टि :नयवाद)is selected best research for the Mahaveer Award -2013(महावीरपुरस्कार-२०१३)conducted by the Jain VidyaSansthan,Jaipur.The two ancient Jain Scholar Societies ShastriParishad and VidwatParishadhas been awarded him on 2013 and 2014 for his outstanding contribution to Jainism and Prakrit language .  In research field, his analytical power is awesome. The most important feature of Anekant is that in spite of having such a good command over Jainaagamas and Philosophy , he has not kept himself confined to this field only, he is equally good in Hindi, Sanskrit ,Prakritand English Languages and not only languages but also in the field of Poetry.
He discovered and edited rare ancient Sanskrit and Prakrit manuscripts named षडदर्शनेषुप्रमाणप्रमेयसमुच्चयःand ‘संवेगचूणामणिwhich was written by ancient Jain monks. He edited the Hindi commentary by Br. Sheetalprasaadji on the Prakrit text named प्रवचनसार.He started the first news paper in Prakrit language named ‘पागद-भासा’which is the unique contribution to promote this ancient language among common peoples.

Recently he had done hard work to conclude the famous Jain Nyay book named ‘Prameya Kamal Martand’- a very detailed Sanskrit commentary Witten by Aacharya Prabhachandra in Eleventh century. This is a unique work in the field of Jain logic. BhartiyaGyaanpeeth ,New Delhi has published thisbook named ‘प्रमेयकमलमार्तंडसारः’.

He is well-versed in Information Technology and is keen to utilize it in Prakrit/Sanskrit teaching and research. These out-of-the-box features of Anekant differentiate him from those who are confined to conventional knowledge of Prakrit and Jainism. Also, these features make him demand of the time to make Jainism popular and useful for common people. Recently the president of India MrPranabMukharjee has been awarded him by young President award named ‘MAHARSHI VADRAYAN VYAS SAMMAN’-2013 at president house on 17 January 2014 for his contributions in the field of PrakritVangmaya.

Family Background 

He has a traditional scholarship from Varanasi. His father and mother both are the world famous scholar of jainism named Prof Phoolchand Jain 'Premi'(ex-HOD,Deptt.of Jain Philosophy,Samurnanad Sanskrit University,Varanasi) and Dr Munni Jain is working at same deptt.

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