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Raja Kumarapal was responsible for building a large number of temples in his capital Anahilapataka (Patan). After accepting Jainism, he spent 14 crores gold coins in 14 years for Sadharmik Bhakti. He constructed 21 Jain libraries, 1444 new Jinalaya/vihars, renovated 1600 temples and organised 'Cha-Ri-Palit Sangh' to various tirths 7 times. In V.S.1226 he arranged Cha-Ri-Palit sangh yatra to Shatrunjay Tirth.

According to Jain prabandhas, he built 32 Jain temples as the repentance of his non-vegetarianism in early life. He built temples at several sites, many of which are already Jain sites of pilgrimage: Shatrunjaya, Arbudagiri (Abu), Stambhatirtha (Khambhat), Prabhas etc.

Somnath temple of Shashibhushana (1169 AD) at Prabhas patan (Somnath patan, old name Dev Patan) which is mentioned as one of the 5 sacred temples of the town according to Prabhas-kanda was renovated by him. Kumarapal's Somnath inscription mentions it's renovation by Pashupatacharya Bhava Brihaspati. Some older parts of the temple still survive. It was the grandest and the most beautiful of his time. He replaced Phase II of Somnath Temple (Bhima II's temple) at Prabhas with large Kailash-Meru temple in it's place.

He also constructed a Somnath Temple in Pali, Rajasthan.

Shri Somprabhu Suriji has specified Patan city in his book 'Kumarpal Pratibodh' having established in 13 kms area with 84 markets and 84 junctions (chowk) at the time of arrival of Shri Hemchandracharya to this city. Hemchandracharya has written many spiritual books being present in this city.

'Kumarapalapratibodha' mentions his excavation of Jivantaswami Mahavira image from Vitabhayapura and its installation in the temple at Anahilapataka (Patan).

He built Kumarapaleshwar temple and renovated Kedareshwar temples at Patan. He built the Kumara-vihara dedicated to Parshwanath which had 24 devkulikas (shrines) in Patan. He built Trivihara and Tribhuvana-vihara (1160 AD) at Anahilapataka (Patan) in merit of his father Tribhuvanpal which had 72 devkulikas and was dedicated to Neminath. 

He also built Kumaravihara at Tharapadra (Tharad), Iladurga (Idar), Jabaliputra (Jalore, 1165 AD), Dwipa (Diu), Latapalli (Ladol), Karkarapuri (Kakar), Mandali (Mandal) and Mangalpura (Mangrol). He built Jholika-vihara (1163 AD) at the birthplace of Hemachandra in Dhanduka. He built the Kumarvihar at Kanchangiri gadh in Jalore, Rajasthan.

The ancient name of the Chitrakut tirth in Chittogadh/Chittorgarh was Madhyamika. Since this fort was built by King Chitranand of the Maurya dynasty, it is called Chitrakut. The fortress went under the authority of Siddharaj Jaisinh during the 12th century. It remained so also during the period of Raja Kumarpal till he gifted it over together with other 700 villages by a properly framed written document to Alik Kumbhar, who had once saved his life. There is an inscription mentioning this. Several inscriptions are found of the period before Raja Kumarpal accepted Jainism as his religion in 1216 AD. The temple of Mahavir Swami was built here in the year VS 1167/1109 AD

A 1150 AD Sanskrit prashasti inscription discovered at the Samadhishvara temple on Chittorgarh fort records the visit of the Chaulukya king Kumarapala to the temple and donations, which it calls 'Samadhisha-Maheshvara'. This prashasti interestingly, was composed by a Digambara Jain monk. Based on this, and the fact that Kumarapala patronized Jainism, art historian M. A. Dhaky theorized that the Samadhishvara temple was originally a Jain shrine. He also cited the presence of several images of Jain tirthankaras and yaksha-yakshinis in the temple. The temple has been restored several times. Based on this inscription, Historian R.Nath theorizes that Kumarapala restored the temple, which may explain some Gujarati influence on it's art & architecture. 

He also built a mandapa at the Ninnaya's temple built by his ancestor at Chandravati for the merits of his maternal grandmother.

He also built the Shantinath temple in Shayanvadapura in Rohamandal for the merits of his maternal grandfather.

Before starting his campaign on Mevar, Kumparpal performed puja to the shrine of Shri Ajitnath in PATAN. When he returned victorious, he decided to construct a great and grand temple for Bhagwan Ajitnath.

Nestled at the Mehsana town of Patan district is the Taranga Tirth. Of the 108 names of Siddhachal, one name is ‘Tarangir’. For this reason, Taranga is regarded as a peak of Siddhachal. Tarangiri being considered as part of Shatrunjay range of mountains is considered sacred and an ancient tirth. In V.S.1221, he constructed a magnificent temple on Taranga hills for Adinath bhagvaan. The Pratistha was done by Aacharya Shri Hemchandracharya. On the outer platform of the main temple, there are idols of Padmavati and King Kumarpal. Later Allaudin Khilji destroyed this temple and it was renovated again in 1476 AD. This large temple built by him still survives, while most of his other temples no longer exist.

During the reign of Kumarapala in the 12th century, several stepwells were constructed. The stepwell at Vayad near Patan was built during Kumarpal's reign.

The Vadnagar inscription (1152 CE) mentions that Kumarapala built the fort of Vadnagar. Jagaducharita mentions that he ordered a tank to be built at Bhadravati (Bhadreshwar). Ganga stepwell at Wadhwan has been dated to 1169 AD (V. S.1225). Kirti Torana of Vadnagar, 40-feet high intricately carved towers representing victory over the enemy was built during Kumarpal's rule. Valuing the importance of the city, the Solanki ruler Kumarpal rebuilt the Vadnagar fort in 1152 A.D.

In Vikram Samvat 1213, he had undertaken the 14th renovation of Shatrunjaya tirth under guidance of Acharya Hemchandracharya. The ‘Kumar Kund’ at Shatrunjay was erected to commemorate King Kumārapāl of Gujarat.

At Girnar, out of the 5 tonks, one is Kumarpal’s Tonk. He got a new temple built on top of Girnar, which even today is named as Kumarpal Maharaja’s toonk. The main idol of this temple is Abhinandan Swami. This idol was established in year V.S. 1875  by Acharya Jinendra Suri. In the northern premises of this temple, there is a large well named 'Dedki vav'. It's water level never goes above the surface.

He had constructed large number of temples himself, or commissioned his ministers to build. Temples were also built by his governors, administrators and officers.

His Minister Amrabhatta, son of Udayana, replaced old Shakunika-vihara at Bhrigukutch (Bharuch) with a new grand temple. The relics of which are reused in the extant Jami mosque at Bharuch. 

Achalagaccha-pattavali mentions that Minister Vagbhatta built the Adinath temple (1155-1157 AD) on Shatrunjaya hill. On its foothill, he established the Vagbhattapura town and built Tribhuvana-vihara.

Dholka inscription mentions that minister Vagbhatta added 24 devakulikas to Udayana-vihara (about 1167 AD) in Dholka.

Dholka-prashasti mentions that Vairisimha, a friend or a relative of Minister Vagbhatta, built the Parshwanatha temple in Khambhat.

Almost till the end of the 13th century the city remained well protected under the Solankis and its trade & industry prospered. For nearly four centuries Gujarat prospered under the Solanki rulers so much that the historians call it 'the golden period'. And along with it Vadnagar too enjoyed the peace & prosperity. Great many temples, palaces, residences, bazaars (market places), and public amenities like wells, vavs (stepwells), kunds (public baths), roads, and inns were built in & around the city.

(Compiled from various online sources. Errors if any, Micchammi Dukkadam 🙏🏻) 

#kumarpal #kumarpala #temples #stepwells #fort

Reference : Facebook post 


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