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How can we save Jainism?

How can we save Jainism?

Jainism is not only the religion for Jains, it is a religion for Humanity. It is purely based on Non violence. It does not talk about any God, it respects all the liberated souls.

Jainism is purely based on practice, so anyone can be Jain by Karma. It is not necessary that you need to practice it if you are Jain by birth.

We see that now a days Jains are not following it , that is the biggest reason to decline Jainism, when a born Jain can not understand the value of born as a Jain, how can other understands.

As per my thoughts below steps should be taken to save Jainism. Only only Jain but also each people who respect Nonviolence should come forward to save the humanity.

Practice and Trust :

 Make people especially who is born as a Jain to follow and understand the basic principles of Jainism, as following pure practice is not possible however at least we can follow it till some extent. It will increase their faith towards jainism. Jainism lost its true spirit. Jains adopted many Hindu faiths and rituals. They adopted many Hindu Goddesses.

Be one : 

We all know that Jainism is divided in sub categories , however we need to make people understand that Jainism is like a tree with the different branches, we need to take care of its root rather thinking to more about branches, if we think about it branches only root will become weak. Jain adopted of Vedic Varna system. This lead Jains towards development of caste system within their community and started to differentiate people in the name of castes and classes.

Contribution of Jain Monks: 

Jains monks should initiate and guide the people in proper way and make them understand. When we have a good teacher we all can understand better and find all the answers of our doubts.

Help each other :

 Jains should have help each other in society monetary wise, the poor are not getting help from the society hence they are distracting from the religion and adopting the other religions. Building more and more temples became a preferential thing in Jain religion.

 Donating to temples and rituals became the only meaning of religion. Temples became places of auctions for rituals, they hardly think about the others who needs help.

Jainism can still prosper if the jains study it properly and propagate it rather than blindly following the vices of the vedic society inculcated into jainism.

Deepa Jain
(Quora Digest)


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